Saturday, September 19, 2015

Entering the Blogosphere!

We at The Restoration Works make up a father and son pair of artisans. Dean Snell founded the business in 1993 restoring fine antiques when I was just 4 years old! He would occasionally build a custom piece for his customers, but spent most of his time restoring antique furniture. Fast forward about 20 years, and I, Dylan, joined my father full time, finally deciding to learn the trade fully after having spent many years working with Dad part time. It has now been a little over 2 years since I joined my Dad, and we have had some serious fun building and restoring furniture and learning together.

We have maintained a shop that is very nearly technology free for most of our years in business, having only a landline and a fax machine that only sends, but doesn't receive... so entering the blogosphere is a bit of a frightening prospect for us. Please bear with us as we figure out what the best format is for our blog posts! Also, since I am younger, and a little bit more tech-savvy, I (that is Dylan), will be posting most of these blog articles. Dean will have plenty of input on those postings, and may occasionally post himself, but I can't promise anything... he's a bit allergic to computers and the internet. He prefers tools, furniture, and technology from before the year 1900.

You may be wondering what has driven us to take to the internet after so many years spent hiding from modern technology! Well, we have begun to build our own line of furniture as functional art. Dad was a printmaking major in college many moons ago, and he spent much of his time practicing the time-honored art of Etching (Rembrandt etched in much the same way). Even though he hadn't done hardly any etching in nearly 30 years, we decided to try printing on wood, so that we could incorporate his etchings into the furniture we build using traditional tools and methods. It was a success! To this point, we have built a Chest of Drawers with an etching of a Grand Banks dory on it, and a few Low Tavern Tables with a couple of different etchings that can be set into them. Now, we want to let people know about what we're doing, and we have heard of these blog things, and figured we should give it a shot!

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